Premiering this Friday:
Matthew Lovegood’s Rendezvous
The bar is empty and so is your glass. Give up and go home, or give the evening one more chance?
Choreographer/performer Matthew Lovegood’s wry, jazzy style and Lance Glenn’s dynamic direction take full advantage of the vintage-contemporary vibe of the filming location: the McCormick’s 1894 event space at the Hoff Family Arts & Culture Center.

Below: Seen here rehearsing a sequence, Matthew designed his choreography for interplay with the various locations in the performance space.

Join the virtual premiere by watching the film any time beginning at 7 pm Friday on our Facebook and YouTube channels.

Rendezvous is part of our innovative Going Solo series. Click HERE to learn more, and follow us on social media for updates.
Questions or comments about the films in this series? Email them to goingsolo@amballet.org for possible inclusion in a future talk-back show with the artists!