Premiering this Friday:
Anna Swenson in Seneca Montgomery’s
Order in the Chaos
This past summer AMB dancer Anna Swenson was in her home town of Spokane, Washington, her vacation hiking plans delayed by the pandemic. She got in touch with one of her past dance teachers, who said: “Did you know Seneca is in town?”

Seneca Montgomery and Anna were longtime friends, bonded by years of studying dance together. Anna got in touch with her, they teamed up with a third dance friend, Rosemary Gentle, and the eventual result of their collaboration was this week’s Going Solo work, Order in the Chaos.
The sound lag that often plagues online conferences was a problem at first. “We did it, and had fun laughing at the absurdity of trying to conquer musicality for the steps,” says Anna. Eventually they worked out a process that let them communicate the nuances of the timing.

Seneca and Anna created this piece as a way of dealing with current circumstances. “You want to escape,” says Anna. “You want to be free of everything that’s happening, but this is the world that we’re in and these are the things we have to deal with.” Seneca says, “It’s trying to find your order in this chaos.”

Join the virtual premiere by watching the film any time beginning at 7 pm Friday on our Facebook and YouTube channels.